Celebrating Theresa | Amazing Place Preschool Graduation

Amazing Place Preschool is a loving and inclusive multi-cultural childcare centre in Western Heights, Rotorua.  CLICK HERE to book a centre visit.


Today was a very special day for Theresa.  Today was her graduation from Amazing Place Preschool!



At Amazing Place Preschool we celebrate this milestone with a special graduation celebration.

We celebrate the child’s birthday and graduation together at mat time. The child gets to sit on a special decorated chair wearing a crown!

Sometimes the family of the child brings in a cake, sometimes, we make one in the morning together with the children. The child is presented with their birthday card and we all sing them happy birthday and cheer as they blow out their 5 candles.

The child’s key teacher then shares some of the special things about the child and shows some photos of their preschool journey from their profile book.  Finally, the child is presented with their profile book, artwork and their very own children’s bible which has a special message written inside. 



Theresa, we have loved getting to know you.

heart-smlTheresa Some things that we love about you are that you always like to give things a go. You are full of compassion and always care for our babies or anyone who needs your help. You are responsible and have great leadership skills, helping you develop confidence in contributing towards any task.you are full of character.

heart-smlWe’ve noticed that you enjoy being in the sandpit. You pretend cooking different meals and serving it to your friends. Theresa, you enjoy being messy; water play and gloop are your favourite.


heart-smlTheresa, you are very interested in dressing up as a doctor or teacher. You love riding on the bikes and playing tag with your friends.


heart-smlThe character virtues we have seen you develop are friendliness, caring, kindness, peacefulness, respect, inclusion, joyfulness and taking responsibility and helping your teachers and friends.


heart-smlTheresa, this is our prayer for you as you transition to school: that you continue to show your confidence, excelling in all activities and being the unique amazing person God created you to be. We pray Gods’ blessing on you and your transition to school and hope you make some great new friends to enjoy on your new adventures at school with.

Theresa, it was our pleasure to do all of this to celebrate YOU today!

We are sad to say goodbye to you, but send you off to your new adventure at school with our love, support and blessing ♡



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About the Author

Our blog stories are created by members of the Bethlehem Early Learning Centres team. We we hope you enjoy reading them! www.belc.school.nz