Celebrating Emanuel | Bethlehem College Kindergarten

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Bethlehem College Kindergarten is a highly regarded centre with a beautiful outside play area and a loving Christian environment.  Our experienced teaching team care for children aged 3–5 years. CLICK HERE to book a centre visit


Today was a very special day for Emanuel at Bethlehem College Kindergarten.   Today was his graduation!

Emanuel and her family have been a very special part of our centre community . Now it is time for him to go to primary school.

At Bethlehem College Kindergarten we celebrate this milestone with a special graduation ceremony.

The child’s journey at kindy, their interests and virtues are shared at this time.  The other children are able to contribute to the celebration and a bible is presented to the child.

Emanuel it’s our pleasure to send you off to your new adventure at school with our love, support and blessing ♡



Emanuel, we have loved getting to know you.

heart-smlEmauel, some things that we love about you are: your smile, enthusiasm to join in activities, and your caring and creative nature. Emanuel you have been such a blessing to all as you hold a heart of service and have made a positive difference in so many lives as you consider others needs as important as your own. You act with the spirit of gentleness moving wisely, touching softly, speaking quietly and thinking kindly, always considering others ideas and feelings.

heart-smlWe’ve noticed that you enjoy setting and achieving goals and tasks you set for yourself. You never miss the opportunity to follow what sparks your interest and readily utilise our art table, kindy environment, and resources around you as you join in all activities to the fullest extending and using your creative imagination to the fullest.

heart-smlEmanuel, you are very interested in sharing with others meaningful moments about your interests and special family. Creative art projects are an area you shine in as this is where you feel comfortable to experiment with materials and bring something new and exciting the world. You enjoy co-operative play and working together with your peers to share the load, as you appreciate when we co-operate with one another we get things done in a way that is more fun and fruitful than by ones self.

heart-smlThe character virtues we have seen you develop are creativity, determination, friendliness, assertiveness, fairness, understanding, compassion, unity and tolerance…

heart-smlEmanuel, our prayer for you is that you have confidence in who Christ has created you to be, and an appreciation that He is your foundation. May God’s grace be your guide Emanuel and His hope be your compass toward a bright and exciting learning journey.  I pray blessings upon your heart of service and that you continue to have eyes to see the needs of those around you and continue to have a soft heart to love others so well.  May you face each new day with positivity; enjoying all opportunities to extend your learning, as you engage in all activities the Lord brings to your day as He prepares you for the bright and exciting future He has ahead for you. I have no doubt you will make long lasting and special friendships along the way and accomplish many great things as you develop your unique and God given potential Emanuel as you grow in God’s wisdom and love.



At Bethlehem College Kindergarten you’ll find happy children in a nurturing environment, enjoying genuine relationships with caring teachers who facilitate creative play and quality learning experiences.


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About the Author

Our blog stories are created by members of the Bethlehem Early Learning Centres team. We we hope you enjoy reading them! www.belc.school.nz