We Have Amazing Teachers


Our teachers are qualified, experienced and caring.

We choose teachers who genuinely love working with children, who consider teaching to be a calling or vocation, not just a job. Our teachers cultivate a sense of belonging and security with your child by building a quality relationship with them.

We Maintain High Teacher to Child Ratios.

The Ministry of Education stipulates that each centre must have a ratio of one teacher to every ten children for children over two years old and one teacher to every five children for children under two years old. We manage our teacher numbers to ensure that we exceed this minimum requirement. This ensures your child doesn’t get ‘lost in the crowd’, but is seen, heard, noticed and known by our teachers.

We Have a High Level of Qualified and Experienced Teachers.

We are committed to having qualified and registered teachers in our centre at all times. We have developed a culture of excellence in our teaching team by hiring quality teachers to begin with and then creating strong professional development and mentoring opportunities for them.

Several of our teachers gained their qualification at Bethlehem Tertiary Institute, whose programme incorporates Christian perspectives. Their teaching approach is deeply rooted in the transformational values, which create the special environment in Bethlehem Early Learning Centres that children thrive in.

He aha te mea nui o tea o? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata!

What is the most important thing in this world?
It is the people! It is the people! It is the people!














Why Choose Amazing Place Preschool?

WE CELEBRATE OUR MULTI-CULTURAL COMMUNITY. Every child matters at Amazing Place Preschool – and every child brings with them the stories and the special contribution of their ethnicity and culture. Over 50% of the children in our centre are of Maori or Pacific Island descent. Read more
WE’RE NOT-FOR-PROFIT, WE’RE FOR CHILDREN.  Amazing Place Preschool is governed by the Christian Education Trust who provide transformative education with Christian values.  The children’s wellbeing is our highest priority in all business decisions. Read more
WE HAVE A BIG HEART FOR CHILDREN.  We honour each child as a gift to be discovered and developed. Our passion as educators is to nourish, nurture, affirm and encourage each child in his or her uniqueness. Read more

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WE WELCOME PARENT INVOLVEMENT.  Our door is always open. We believe that parents are the primary educators and we count it a privilege to partner with and support you in that important role. Parents/whānau are very welcome to be involved in our daily programme at any time. Read more
OUR CHRISTIAN VALUES CREATE A LOVING ENVIRONMENT. We have a heart-felt and faith-filled desire to respect, accept, nurture, support and affirm your child. It is our privilege to enjoy their uniqueness, to develop their gifts and talents and to bring them into a positive experience of God’s love. Read more