Relationships between teachers and children are respectful and responsive to children’s need for education and care. Teachers have well-developed strategies to ensure daily care routines are used to promote meaningful learning.
The programme for babies and toddlers is based on nurturing and responsive interactions, sensitively managed care routines, and ongoing communication with these young children.
There are many opportunities for children to be creative, which are supported by teachers and used in a highly effective way to promote children’s success and development.
The care we receive, as a family is very personalised. We are not just a ‘number’ but are treated as part of the family. My girls are always excited to go and we have tears when it’s not a kindy […]
I just love the way each child’s journey is cherished, respected and nurtured. Teachers are always available to talk through any concerns a parent has whilst taking the time to ensure the children’s little voices are heard as well.